This post I want to take the chance to talk about one of my very favorite topics.
You see, I want to talk about the fact that "Success" isn't a "fair" game...
and what to do about it...
off, I need to be clear that you understand that LIFE itself isn't
fair. In case you were born on the moon, almost NOTHING on EARTH is
fair. "Fairness" in effect is an idea, an intangible concept that man
has created. I think we probably created the whole idea of what is
"fair" to torture ourselves psychologically, in fact.
Why would I say that? That's a good question and we'll get to that, but for now let's put it up on the shelf.
Here are a few ways that life isn't "fair", as the whole theory relates to money and success:
Some people are smarter and more creative, and some are decidedly less
so. While the world will reward ANYONE with enough belief in themselves
and enough "gumption" to make it happen- the truth is clear that in the
world of success, being born with an innate creativity is a huge
advantage to an entrepreneur. How unfair.
2) A ridiculously small
percentage of the population that is born and lives out their lives on
this planet live the lives they CHOOSE to live without worry over
finances, spending their time doing the things they ENJOY with the
people they LOVE. Most are BORN that way. How unfair.
3) Many men
and women go their ENTIRE lives without ever reaching that pivotal place
of choice, power, and PURPOSE we call "financial freedom". How unfair.
Some individuals have hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars, so
much so that the MERE interest on their accumulated fortunes can provide
a lifestyle of luxury while the PRINCIPAL remains intact and untouched.
How unfair.
5) Some men and women know the secrets of harnessing
principles of wealth that are taught to them by parents or mentors,
secrets whose use consistently allow them the FREEDOM of creating an
ideal life for themselves and their families. How unfair.
The point I'm trying to make is that...
And in case you haven't noticed it yet...
The world of money isn't fair, either.
Sometimes an entrepreneur will have a GREAT idea and then external circumstances will stifle a deal.
Sometimes a specific real estate investing technique will work for you, and sometimes it won't.
Sometimes you'll feel powerful and confident in your abilities and future prospects, and sometimes you won't.
to be honest here I know I may be alienating a few people here. It's
true that most people don't like the idea that life (and success) isn't
fair. These people often get extremely upset when things don't go their
way. They frequently place too much negative meaning on things that
happen to them. Too often, they respond REActively to responses they get
from the world and generally act like life should be different.
Of course, this is CRAZY.
The more that I realized this fact... that life just isn't fair... the more that I realized another PROFOUND truth:
life were "fair", then you wouldn't be able to do anything to change
your personal success. You'd get what everyone else was getting.
So what does this have to do with investing in real estate?
Well, the fact is that you CAN change your personal success in ANY area you want (including success with money and investing).
the best part of this realization is that you can not only get better
and better results in a society where many feel the house is playing
with a stacked deck, but you can actually turn the tables around in YOUR
You can improve so much your understanding of investing
and your skill with making good investment decisions that you are
actually at an ADVANTAGE when it comes to money and investing.
is this advantage? I know, I know...some of our advanced investor
readers, I know you are nodding your head here as you're reading this.
You understand already. But give me a moment to break it down 1-2-3
style for those who haven't figured it out yet!
It all goes back to where we were earlier...let's take that idea from before down off the shelf, that idea that:
We created the whole idea of what is "fair"
to torture ourselves psychologically
in this light (whether you print these newsletters out or you're
reading on your computer screen, as you sit there pondering what it is
I'm saying...the idea that "life isn't fair!", a popular worldview, is
based on self-sabotage might sound a TAD harsh.
In fact, if you know you've caught yourself saying these exact words at some time in the past, you might not LIKE ME RIGHT NOW.
But, think of it this way- what exactly do people give as the reasons for not investing in Real Estate?
Same old answers, right?
Not enough MONEY Not enough CREDIT Not enough TIME.
I unfair.
The truth is, if you believe as I do then you'll realize that each of these "reasons" is in all actuality an EXCUSE.
if the idea that "life isn't fair" is such great news, then why aren't
more people thinking of it this way? Why aren't more people turning this
belief upside down and inside out and shaking the loose change out of
its pockets?
I personally think that many people have a FEAR of
SUCCESS, and if you were BORN with MONEY you might think I'm full of it.
If you weren't and you're just beginning to make your crack at it and
strive for your rightful place in the world of success, think with me
for a moment.
Isn't it EASIER just to throw up your hands and say
"life isn't fair". Isn't it less painful to say "I'll never be rich".
Isn't it more COMFORTING to convince yourself that dreams are for
"those" people, those other people with more X, better Y, and the best
Sure it is! I know. I've been there.
It's called taking
the path of least resistance and this unfortunate mindset is the culprit
that steals countless dreams and spoils many, many splendid plans and
And for someone who has dreams, big dreams, like you, dear
reader, this mindset is a HUGE obstacle to your successful lifestyle as a
real estate investor.
If you're worried that you might have this
"Life isn't fair" mindset, take a few minutes then and quietly
reflect...isn't it time to STOP torturing yourself by saying "Life isn't
fair", realize the truth and harness the power of flipping it around!
Success isn't fair... and that's great news.
where the more advanced readers can come back ;). When you take the
time to really LEARN something, when you COMMIT to really mastering
something, you will reach a place where you now have the confidence and
freedom to do it consistently.
But, there will always be people out there who will never "get" it.
don't think it's that people aren't WILLING to get up off of their
couch, put the remote down, and actually INVEST the time and effort
required to become GREAT at something.
It's just that FEAR holds
us back. The "not knowing" can paralyze someone trying to make the leap
from what you have and do today to what you want to have and do
So, I'd like you to do something right now.
Take a
moment, and make the decision and commitment to yourself that you're
going to TAKE ACTION in the areas of your life that you want to improve,
and you're going to do what it takes to stay on track until you get the
results that you're looking for.
If you want to get more involved
in investing with real estate, you want to learn how to get better
returns on your existing money, and you want to "plug in" to a way to
make more money with real estate than many people's fear of success
allows them to believe possible...
...then you're in the right place!
Another problem with real estate investing is that a lot of people don't know where to START.
REALIZE the power of leverage and they get excited about double digit
returns and five-figure checks... but the "not knowing" and uncertainty
about risk creeps into their subconscious mind and suffocates their
They get frustrated that they don't know how to get on
the right track and where to learn the "how to" of things that actually
When I first decided that I had to learn how to create my
own income and become an entrepreneur, I spent probably a year or two
"wandering around" trying to find out what worked.
Honestly, I ran around in a lot of circles trying things that sounded like good ideas... but wound up being complete B.S.
trying a number of off-the-wall things (because when you're determined
to STOP being an employee and TAKE CHARGE of your life, the desire to
become an entrepreneur and reach financial freedom can become a
blazing-hot fire driving from within that can lead you literally
ANYWHERE) and these things I tried FAILED...after that,
I decided to stop and take a look around.
what did I see? When you strip away all the glitter and all the dross,
when you peel back all the illusions of media and society and education,
and you look down at the EARTH ITSELF, what do you SEE?
Real Estate.
There was my answer.
I committed to learning how to become a real entrepreneur, someone who
understood the secrets involved in real estate investing. I pushed
myself to "get it".
Then, once I finally figured out some of the
ideas, techniques and skills it was going to take to really become great
at this, it took awhile to really learn the skills and practice them to
the point where I could use them and have predictable success with
Why am I telling you this?
Because I'd like to save
you some of the time, effort, expense and hassle that I put into
figuring out all of this stuff... and I'd like to help you swing the
odds in your favor when it comes to real estate success.
I'd like
you to take advantage of the fact that I've spent literally thousands of
hours learning as much as I possibly could about this stuff, and I've
spent hundreds more organizing this information and putting it together
in a way that you can pick up and use IMMEDIATELY to get better results
investing in real estate.